Understanding Dental Implants And Surgical Prep

If you are missing one or several teeth, then it may be wise to seek care from a professional who can complete an oral reconstruction surgery. Oral surgeons can complete a number of procedures, including dental implant operations. Dental implant operations do take quite a bit of planning and you will also need to do a few things right before the procedure is performed. This is called surgical prep. If you want to know what will happen during this time, then keep reading to learn about a few things you will likely be asked to do.

Use An Antibacterial Rinse 

Your dentist will ask you to do a few different things to help make sure that infection risks are as low as possible. If you are at risk of developing a serious heart infection like endocarditis, then your surgeon may ask you to take a course of prophylactic antibiotics. Depending on your risks, like if you have recently had a valve replacement or a bypass surgery, you may need to take medication for several days to a week before the procedure. If your risks are low or normal, then you may be asked to take an antibiotic an hour before your procedure. Studies suggest that this can reduce your implant failure risks due to infection significantly. 

You also will be asked to use an antibacterial rinse. This is likely even if you are in the low risk category and you do not need antibiotic pills before your operation. The rinse most often prescribed is called chlorhexidine and you will need to use it the night or the morning before your operation. This same rinse may be used during your operation as an antiseptic to treat the surgical area and the implant itself before it is placed in the mouth. Also, you will need to use it two times a day after your operation to clean the surgical site.

While chlorhexidine is essential when it comes to reducing infections, the rinse should always be used as directed both before and after your reconstructive operation. Excessive use can cause some side effects that include dry mouth, tooth stains, and mouth sores. If you use the rinse too much, then the yeast that naturally resides in your mouth can overgrow and cause a thrush infection.

Eat A Hearty Breakfast

It may seem frightening, but the vast majority of implant operations are completed without the use of general anesthesia. While an IV sedative can often be used if your are highly anxious of the procedure, nitrous oxide and oral sedatives are often used. In some cases, a local anesthetic may be the only thing that is provided. This depends on the professional you see and your specific needs.

If you are given local anesthetics or mild sedatives only, then you will be asked to eat a hearty breakfast before your operation. Since bleeding can be consistent for 24 to 48 hours after your procedure, you will need to use a compress for up to two days. Not only can this cause eating troubles, but swallowed blood can leave you feeling nauseous. Eating breakfast in the morning can help you to feel full until you can start eating normally again.

In the meantime, you can also purchase meal replacement shakes to assist with calorie intake while you go through the initial healing process. Soft foods and liquids are a good choice as well. You should understand that you will need a variety of nutrients and vitamins to heal properly after your procedure, so make sure that you do eat three meals and two snacks a day if you are able. 

If you want to know more about the ways that you can prepare for your dental implant operation, speak with an oral surgeon, like one from Central PA Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons LLC, beforehand. 
