Dental Cleanings: Does Your Preschooler Need Them?

If your preschooler complains of tooth sensitivity or another issue, you may need solutions on how to care for their teeth. Your toddler may need a good dental cleaning to ease their discomfort. Learn more about dental cleanings for children and how your child may receive their cleaning below.

What's on Your Child's Teeth?

If your preschooler hasn't seen or visited a dentist in the past, do so soon. Even children can develop severe cavities and other serious dental problems if they lack the proper dental cleanings. Tooth cleanings remove things from your child's teeth that you may not see yourself, including invisible plaque. 

Plaque can form on a child's teeth throughout the day, including between meals. If your child doesn't brush or floss their teeth after each meal, the layers of plaque on their tooth enamel may increase. Children and adults who have too much plaque on their teeth can experience tooth sensitivity over time.

Tooth sensitivity and decay are just some of the dental problems your child may experience in life. You can keep your child's teeth healthy with a good cleaning.

How Can Your Child Receive a Good Cleaning?

Contact a dentist online or near your home and schedule your child's tooth cleaning soon. A dental provider will need to know a few things about your child prior to the appointment, including your child's:

  • age
  • health condition
  • past dental history

Some dentists will see or treat children at an early age. If this is your child's first dental visit, a dentist will need to know about it. A dentist may need to examine your child's teeth, jaw, and gums for problems prior to the cleaning.

Your child's current and past medical history may also be important to a dentist. Some childhood conditions can damage tooth enamel. Medications may also cause tooth problems in children. If your preschooler has any issues with their health that affect their teeth over time, a dentist can schedule regular cleanings for them during the year. Your child's tooth enamel may need extra care to keep it safe from decay and plaque. 

After you complete the assessment above, a dentist will schedule your child's cleaning appointment. If your child feels nervous about their appointment, tell a dentist or their staff as soon as you arrive at the appointment. A provider can take steps to calm your child prior to the cleaning.

Learn more about children's dental cleaning by contacting a dentist today. 
