3 Possible Complications Of Dental Implants

Complications from dental implants are usually avoidable with good dental care and a good dental surgeon. If you have an upcoming procedure, it is important you understand the possible complications you could face and how to avoid them.  Infection Since dental implants are installed through a surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection. One of the main reasons that an infection occurs is poor dental hygiene before or after the procedure.

What To Expect At A Child's Dental Cleaning

A child's first dental cleaning may be a little more involved than your average adult cleaning. Here are some of the common parts of a dental cleaning procedure for children, so that you can prepare your child for what will happen. Talking with the Parent The first thing that should happen before the cleaning is to talk about your child's traits. For instance, fearful or defiant children can be a challenge in the dental chair, especially when the cleaning tools are brought out.

3 Potential Treatments For Periodontal Pockets

Gum disease happens when harmful bacteria in the mouth, which is meant to be eradicated through oral hygiene, is able to take hold and create an infection. Gingivitis is the most mild and common form of periodontal disease and is easily cured with a thorough cleaning by dentists like Barry Groder DDS. But if the disease progresses to periodontitis, your gums can become so infected that the tissue begins to pull away from the bottom of the teeth.

Learn How To Use Dental Implants To Restore Your Smile After An Accident

Being involved in a traumatic accident that causes you to lose your teeth is life changing. It is important to realize that there are things that can be done to make your life more comfortable after having an accident though. Dental implants are a permanent replacement that stay in your mouth without the use of any type of adhesive to keep the implants in place. The following guide walks you through the process of getting dental implants that look and feel natural.

Is A Root Canal Retreatment In Your Future?

If you are experiencing pain in a tooth that has previously undergone a root canal treatment, you may need a second root canal. A second root canal on the same tooth is referred to as a retreatment.  What Prompts A Retreatment The vast majority of root canal treatments are successful the first time through. However, a small percentage of people who have a root canal done will need to have that same tooth treated again at some point down the road.