4 Things To Know About An Abscessed Tooth

When a lump appears on your gums, it will usually stem from a tooth needing the attention of a dentist. You are likely dealing with a dental abscess that can possibly cause other health problems if it isn't treated in a timely manner. A root canal is usually required when there is a dental abscess present. You will need to undergo a few other types of treatments as well, but it depends on the severity of the condition.

3 Possible Dental Treatments For An Infected First Premolar With Pulp Damage

The first premolars are two spaces ahead of the molar teeth and help start the chewing-related food grinding the rear molars finish. If a first premolar becomes infected and doesn't receive treatment, the infection can worsen to the point of damaging the vital pulp material that travels through the canal system to keep the tooth alive. If the pulp dies, the tooth dies with it. There is a couple of dental treatments possible when a first premolar has a severe dental infection with pulp damage.